Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Canberra DOTA 2 Tournament Ruleset
The current rule set is based off the MSI BEAT IT Rules and can be found here -
1.1 Admins
1.1.1 Everyone who is authorized by Canberra DOTA 2 to administrate the competition based on its rules and regulations will be called an “admin". Current Canberra DOTA2 Admins are: Chinky and _WearingPants.
1.1.2 Decisions made by admins are final and will not be changed.
1.2 Commitments
1.2.1 By attending the competition, players acknowledge without limitation to comply with the rules and regulations and with the decisions made by the admins.
1.2.2 Individual rule adjustments may be applied by the admins in correspondence with the teams and players.
1.2.3 Every player has to show the needed respect towards admins and other players. Insults and unfair or disrespectful behaviour towards anyone will not be tolerated and will be punished.
1.2.4 Every player must always have the newest version of steam and Dota 2 installed and has to check for updates in time before each match.
1.2.5 Every team accepts the official schedule of the competition and declares its ability to be available during these times.
2.1 Participants & Teams
2.1.1 Everyone with a valid steam account is allowed to participate in the competition and will be called a "player". A group of players will be called a "team". In order for a team to be able to play they need to fulfil the minimum required amount of team members (5)
2.1.2 A team has to consist of at least five and at most ten players.
2.2 Standins
2.2.1 Standins may be used if they are not part of any other team competing in the Canberra DOTA 2 Tournament. The team who is using a standin is obligated to inform an admin about the situation.
2.2.2 There’s a maximum of 2 standins per team per game.
3.1 Punctuality
3.1.1 If a team is not ready to start the match 20 minutes after the official starting time, the opponent team will receive a default win
3.1.2 If a team has a minimum of 4 players in the lobby 20 minutes after the official starting time, the game can start 4v5 in CAPTAINS MODE, and after the picks the game will be remade ALL PICK MODE. If one team is still incomplete, the other team will receive a default win
3.1.3 If a team gets free win in the 1st Round and its opponent is available for Round 2, their game for Round 2 will start at the same time as the other Round 1 games.
3.2 Rescheduling
3.2.1 The change of a match time is only possible under exceptional circumstances and has to be approved by an admin
4.1 Lobby hosting
4.1.1 Unless an admin interferes or both teams agree on the opposite, the team who is shown on top on the match page has to host the lobby. If it isn't hosted after 5 minutes, the second team has to do it.
4.2 Spectators
4.2.1 Unless both teams agree differently there are no spectators allowed in the game. Members of the Canberra DOTA 2 team (Broadcasters and Admins) are allowed.
4.2.2 Spectators are not allowed in matches hosted by admins or streamed by official casters.
4.2.2 Admins, and official Canberra DOTA 2 broadcasters have the right to spectate any game without an agreement of the teams.
4.2.3 The officially approved Canberra DOTA 2 broadcasters will be OnlyLogic, ColdBlood, Kathified and PewPew casting
4.3 Server location
4.3.1 The default server location will always Australia.
4.4 Sides & Drafting Order
4.4.1 The »first team« is the one stated on the top of the scheduled match. (Top side on the match in the brackets).
4.4.2 Best of one: The first team will toss a coin and choose heads or tails. The victor of the coin toss will decide to which side they wish to play on i.e. Dire or Radiant, while the second team gets whichever is left. Best of three: The first team can choose the side.
4.5 Game Settings
SERVER LOCATION, PASSWORD and STARTING TEAM are set according to the rules above.
The remaining settings have to be:
VERSION: Tournament
SERIES TYPE: Defined by tournament stage
5.1 Picks & Bans
The hero pool always consists of all in Captains Mode available heroes and might therefore change several times during the competition.
5.2 Pauses
5.2.1 A pause should be announced at least three seconds in advance and calls a coherent reason (exception: not necessary, if someone disconnects). The game must not be resumed before both teams agree with it. When the number or the duration of breaks becomes too high or long, the teams must contact an admin who may force the continuation of the game.
5.2.2 Each team has the right to pause the game for a maximum of 10 minutes.
5.3 Disconnects & Reconnects
5.3.1 If a player disconnects, the game is to be paused instantly. Everyone has up to ten minutes to reconnect to the game (if the same person disconnects more than once, all times get added up). If this time is passed, the opposing team may continue the game, unless a admin demands the opposite. The affected player is in this case still allowed to rejoin later on.
5.3.2 If a player disconnects and is unable to reconnect due to Dota/Steam bug, teams will disconnect, create another lobby and load the game in order to keep the reasonable expectancy of a game.
5.4 Broadcasting
5.4.1 Every authorized spectator (according to 3.2) inside the game is allowed to provide a video stream with a delay of at least two minutes.
5.4.2 All players are allowed to first person stream their own tournament games unless an official streamer is doing so. The delay of the stream has to be at 2 minutes.
5.4.3 Streamsniping is not allowed!
5.5 Bugs
If any serious bugs occur, the game has to be paused immediately and the admins decides on how to continue. Abusing a bug is forbidden and will be punished.
5.6 Tools / Hacks
The usage of any Dota-related tool aside from Steam and Dota 2 during a match is strictly forbidden.
5.7 Ending
A game is finished when: an Ancient Fortress is destroyed, a team calls GG or the majority of a team leaves on purpose.
6.1 Rule violations or ignoring a admins decision may result in a punishment. The type and amount of the punishments depends on the offense and is chosen by an admin.
6.2. Possible Team Punishments:
Default Loss / Null Game
Prize Money Reduction
Temporary ban from the competition
Permanent ban from the competition
The format of the Canberra DOTA 2 Tournament will be a double elimination format. until the grand finals which will be a BO3.
The standard time of a round is 1 hour.
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